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The Best of 2018 {Posts YOU enjoyed reading}

I really enjoyed doing this post in 2018, so call me crazy, but I wanted to do this again in 2019! It’s a way for me to see what went well in 2019, which posts you enjoyed more….and also, how it compares to what I did in 2018. So we could call it a research post for me in a way. I’d also love your input on this….were these posts the ones YOU enjoyed? IF any post stood out to you more last year, please let me know…I’d love the feedback! As I did last year, any giveaway posts are excluded from the Top 5. So without further ado…..the TOP 5 posts from 2018! 

5. Dear Husband….Why I’m leaving…

I don’t think any post made me feel as guilty as this one…and obviously shows that CLICKBAIT works! I really had so much fun with this post and the title…. but the messages I got, people scared to click, because they thought it was my divorce announcement???? The guilty feelings were real. I had a friend tell me in Spar…Simone!!! How could you do that to me??? I thought if you and Gerard are getting divorced…there’s no way!!!!!! 

Needless to say, I’ve tried to stay away from clickbait titles after this, as fun as it was. lol. This post was actually about the hell I live with when my husband’s sinus causes him to snore!! Without the title though, I mean, would you all have clicked…and I think many people enjoyed it once they were there. I hope. Let me know, did you hate the clickbait here, or did you appreciate the humour? Will you forgive me for doing it again…or Don’t you dare Simone! 

4. Fun at the Barn {Things to do in PE}

This was an unexpected entry for me…. I think it just shows how parents are reliant on the internet for reviews on things to do in their city/town. Reviews on books, toys, products…..and businesses that still don’t know this is a thing, need to get on board!

This post was about a spot we went to with the kids…they had a lot of fun. I must be honest and say we’ve never been back…just a bit out of the way for us. 

3. Dear Bloggers, what our PR contacts want us to know….

This post, I really enjoyed writing. I loved the insight from people in the industry and I think it also gave me a lot of confidence knowing I was on the right track. The post was appreciated by bloggers and PR alike….I just never got around to putting the focus on PR and what we’d like them to know. Believe me….I do have a lot to say on the topic….and I know a lot of you do too! Hopefully I’ll get around to doing that post sometime this year! If you’d like to contribute….leave me a comment or send me an email please 🙂

2. Our boss baby turned 2, so we threw a party fit for a Boss Baby!

Down from the number 1 spot in 2018, is the Boss Baby party that I threw for Adam. I am going to say….this post does so well, due to the power of Pinterest! It has views every single day….and good views at that. Also I think I did this party before the theme was actually a theme….so I got ahead with it and now when people search, this post shows up. I am so glad it’s still in the top 5, because as some of you would know, the party series was very special to me! Party posts are still ones that I enjoy posting…..and I’m glad that people find this post helpful a year and a half later!!

*Drumroll* The number 1 spot goes too………

1. Have you ever lost your kid? { Polaroid Moji Tracker GPS Watch review}

And at number 1……we seem to have attracted the paranoid parents of the internet!! This post….gets so much traffic daily….it’s insane! I always tell my friend, Venean, that this post has some sort of magic formula!! It could also be a pinterest success story, but I do think parents are on such high alert and so paranoid these days, that they are literally sitting and looking for ways to keep their kids safe every single day. As we should, but with the help of reviews and any aid that can make us feel even safer.

I also get a TON of queries related to this watch….as if I am a supplier of the watch, which I am not. #JustSaying. Also, sadly we cannot use the watch anymore…the school forbade it soon after this post, so it’s just lying in a box now. Due to the kids being able to receive calls and send voice notes, I think too many teachers found the kids active on the watches when they should not have been.

In closing…..

This post is completely different to the Top 5 from 2018! That was very interesting. I did have beauty related posts in the top 5-10, but they were mostly linked to giveaways, so they unfortunately did not qualify to feature. Of course a giveaway will skewer the view of whether people came to read the review or if they just came to enter. It does seem though, that I do attract a real parent crowd, which I am very happy and excited about. I never thought I’d get anywhere in the parenting space, so it actually means a lot to me that my more ‘real life‘ posts are what people enjoy reading! I will never quit my beauty related posts though….I love them way too much!

Sound off in the comments…did you enjoy any of these posts? Is there another post that stands out to you?




I’m Simone, a mom of 3, a wife...obsessed with my family, makeup and books!


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